May 19, 2007 – Michigan Spring Council Notes
Notes scribed by – DragonJon
This council occurred on the land during the Spring Regional. It was a sunny and mild afternoon in the southern tip of the Manistee National Forest. Folks seemed very much in agreement, as all items discussed and then called for consensus were agreed upon without additional debate.
Those in attendance at Spring Council included the following (apologies if someone was missed):
Jane, Colleen, Sarah, Amber, Zander, Allison, Brad, Ayaya, Karen, Derek (Young Stallion), Jay, Brian, Honoria, Orin, Digmoor, Mike, Surreal SirPeal, Roxanne, Bual, Hunter, Dave D., Forrest, Betsi, Raymond, Edward, Lydia, Sarah (Big & Tall), Jenni, Jill, Jim, Jen, DragonJon, Stephanie, Jen, Bob
Discussion Items:
- National Gathering
- Allegheny Multi-Regional
- Michigan Fall Regional
- Personal Space / Behavior / Psychic Assaults
- Clean-up
Most of the individuals who have been actively involved over the past few years in helping to transport, set-up, etc for Turtle Soup were in attendance. The discussions concerning gatherings revolved around the logistics for getting the kitchen to and from the gatherings.
Micro-trash and erosion prevention techniques for gathering-created trails were two topics of concern for clean-up. Some reported that Turtle Soup and Michigan Folks left too much micro-trash around their camps following the Colorado gathering.
Folks dealt with several difficult incidents during this Spring Regional. One brother was repeatedly loud and belligerent; one sister felt she was subjected to a psychic/spiritual assault. Most folks thought that these issues were handled with care and the outcomes were as positive as could be expected. Others felt that the Michigan Family and the Rainbow Family as a whole handle these difficult personal boundary and behavior problems poorly. Everyone agreed this issue needs more attention, and some proposed that interested individuals should focalize role-playing workshops and the like.
There was discussion of the Magic Hat, and some numbers were discussed relative to purchasing water filters. [There are no notes from the Banking Council, which occurred later. Suffice to say that there are enough Magic Hat funds to get the kitchen to the next gathering, and purchase water filters. The kitchen is, however, low on staple
grains. – Scribe Note]
The most difficult discussion concerned the National Gathering. The conclusion was that the willpower and resources to take the kitchen to the National Gathering just aren’t there this year. When asked if anyone planned to go to the National, there were no strongly positive responses. The council wanted to make it clear that Turtle Soup was
NOT boycotting the National if it was subsequently determined that Turtle Soup was not going (see consensus items below). It is simply a matter that there are not enough folks willing or able to make the trip this year.
There was also discussion about use of the internet for announcements. Some local families have consensus against posting directions on the internet. Jim proposed we start using a phone-tree, and said he would focalize that effort. Others proposed we use the old snail-mail method. [There is no longer a Great Lakes Rainbow P.O.
Box – Scribe Note] No consensus was asked for on this subject.
There were numerous other points of discussion; apologies if anyone feels some subjects were left out of the notes that they felt were important.
Consensus Items:
- National Gathering 2007
Regrettably, the consensus is that Turtle Soup will not make the trip
to the Annual Rainbow Gathering due to lack of resources and that no
Turtles are able to take the kitchen.
- Allegheny Multi-Region Gathering – Aug 10-19, 2007
Turtle Soup will be able to make the Allegheny Gathering for the
duration. Reports are that NERF was waiting for Michigan Folks to set
the dates. The dates are now set! Scouts have a location and a
back-up site to consider. [Exact directions and announcement will be
forthcoming – probably a week or so before the start date – Scribe
- Michigan Fall Regional – October 4-8, 2007
Turtle Soup will be at the Michigan Fall Regional. Scouts will be out
during June & July to determine a location.