Howdy Folks!
Great Lakes Rainbow Fall Counsel will be held on the land at the Cozy Corner in Beulah, MI, 11977 Rockwell Rd, Beulah, MI 49617, Friday Sep 6 – Sunday Sep 8. (It’s actually closer to Honor, MI, but Google maps say Beuhlah)
All are welcome to counsel, even first time gatherers! The gathering begins at 4:20 pm Friday Sept 6, and ends by 4:20 pm on Sunday Sept 8. Counsel will likely take place on Saturday Sept 7.
For those new to Rainbow, Great Lakes Fall Counsel is much like other gatherings with plenty of food, fun, music, camping, community spirit, and old and new friends around the campfire, though at some time during the weekend we’ll pass the talking stick in a circle to discuss possible calendar events and visions for Great Lakes Rainbow for the coming year.
Bring a tent and camping gear if you’d like to stay overnight, and a bring a camp chair for a comfy council. Of course bring food and drinks to share (no alcohol please), musical instruments, board or card games, and all good things. Water, a grill, and an oven (if required for your potluck items) are all available on site. Limited use of an indoor restroom is also available if needed. Please be well prepared for cold and rain, it is Michigan after all.
Also consider bringing a donation for the magic hat if you are able, so we can fund the Great Lakes Kitchen efforts for this coming year as well as necessary trailer repairs.
Most importantly, bring your beautiful soul dear family!
The land is sacred and requires our deep respect. Walk lightly, and remember, cleanup starts when you get here. Please honor our host’s wishes to leave the land in its original state (or cleaner) and depart by 4:20 pm Sunday.